Shut Down When Complete with the Transmission Torrent Client

Hey guys, I recently got this little missing feature working in Transmission. The following procedure will make your Mac automatically shut down when all downloads complete. Linux will be similar except that the shut down command will differ in the script :) The following procedure depends on the Transmission API, so be sure turn on the web admin interface under Remote in the Transmission preferences, listening on (default) port 9091. [Read More]

Software Selections for both Windows and OSX

Hello everyone, I’d like to step aside from my usual coding talk for this article and talk about great software for both Windows and Mac. As you could tell from my earlier posts, I am a Windows user and have always used Microsoft products since DOS 5. Though, I have always had a keen eye on Apple products, OSX and the lovely world of Macs. Unlike most out there, I don’t think that Mac vs PC is an argument worth getting into. [Read More]

Setting up Samba on a Ubuntu VM for use With Sublime Text on a Windows Host

Windows is my desktop OS of choice and until now I have used either WinSCP or FlashFXP (amazing FTP client by the way) to edit files remotely on any Ubuntu VMs I connect to. I recently decided to start using a Samba share instead. In case you’re unaware, Samba allows Linux distros to create Windows shares which allow one to directly access the Unix filesystem in Windows. Installing & Configuring Samba or Your Ubuntu VM To begin, install Samba on your VM: [Read More]

Setting up a Rock Solid Python Development Web Server

So you want to start developing a Python application do ya? Let’s assume we are planning to use a smaller framework like Flask which is a framework I’m really loving at the moment. Update (6th of April 2014): In the past, I had found Flask’s in-built development server to be a bit unstable which is why I put together this entry but this is no longer the case. As such, I now recommend using the dev server that comes with Flask for development purposes. [Read More]

Setting up Virtual Development Environments for Python

Setting up virtual environments for Python is always a great way to keep your projects and their related Python packages independent. Virtualenv Virtualenv is the de-facto standard choice for Python environments. It’s capable of creating independent Python module groupings which you can switch to and from using commands. Unfortunately, virtualenv does not install and manage multiple versions of Python, but we’ll get to a solution for that with pythonbrew later. [Read More]