Setting up Virtual Development Environments for Ruby

In this article, I’ll be going through the creation of virtual Ruby development environments. Using this sort of approach when developing applications allows you to start from a clean state at any time and also have vastly different environments setup for various projects on the same server. I must say that the brilliant RVM is about as good as it gets when it comes to virtual development environments. RVM can install Ruby for you and contains a very complete virtual environment experience with bash completion and even automatic switching of environments based on the project directory you are in. [Read More]

Making Windows 8 Work on Your Desktop

Well, it’s almost here folks! Windows 8 arrives this Friday and many people are nervous. I was too the first time I used it; in fact, I hated it! But things have changed significantly for me now. I’m currently running Windows 8 Pro RTM (via MSDN) as my main OS and couldn’t be happier. I’d go as far as to say that I couldn’t see myself going back to or missing Windows 7 in the future at all. [Read More]

Who on Earth are you?

Hello there, my name is Fotis but most my friends call me Fots or something more insulting … but I’ll usually respond to just about anything :) I like computers … oh who am I kidding, I freaking love them! I think they are probably the meaning of life or something of that magnitude. I mean really, how cool are these things!?!? Welcome to my blog which is dedicated to technology with a focus on coding, desktop computers and servers with a little tablet thrown in on the odd day. [Read More]