Selecting a Solid Code Editor in 2018

Hey there everyone, I thought it would be a good time to do a follow-up to my earlier post about code editors. The landscape has changed significantly since the last post, almost frighteningly so. I’ll be evaluating the current versions of GitHub’s Atom, Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code and JetBrains’ IDEs against Sublime Text. During this evaluation, I did focus mostly on Python development (i.e. the PyCharm IDE from JetBrains). Feature Comparison Legend: [Read More]

Choosing a Fast Python API Framework

This post attempts to highlight my thought process in selecting a suitable stack for developing an API in Python for our current project at work. Although I have personally benchmarked various combinations, I haven’t documented the results for this article, instead merely mentioned which frameworks and WSGI servers were found to be fast or slow. All tests I performed (after choosing the fastest WSGI server) were done as follows: WSGI Server: Gunicorn with Meinheld workers [Read More]

How macOS Stores Launchpad Configuration

Launchpad in macOS is definitely one of the most cumbersome apps to setup, although it can be pretty nice to have setup as it provides a little more organisation than adding your Applications folder to the Dock. The problem up until this point was understanding how it works so that we can build automation tools around it. However, this changes today as we explore the way Launchpad works under tho hood :) [Read More]

What Does High Resolution Audio Really Mean?

There’s a lot of misinformation out there right now relating to so-called high resolution audio. Many large companies are now marketing audio products with this term, including audio systems, phones, headphones and speakers. But what is high resolution audio exactly? Is it audio that’s provided at a higher sample rate or bit depth than audio CDs? Is it a particular frequency balance on headphones? Is it to do with how the audio was recorded and mastered? [Read More]

Building Web Assets Using Shell Scripts

With the various pre-processed languages used for web (e.g. Coffeescript, LESS .etc), we often reach for tools like Gulp, Grunt and Brunch. However, what if we could just strip it back to basics and use a shell script? This could potentially save you the entire Node.js stack if you only plan to use SCSS (via LibSass). Firstly, we’re going to need to run both our development server (for the respective framework) and one or more other commands to watch and pre-process files. [Read More]